
Implementation of Kaiser's site management principles ensures the maintenance of a tidy, safe construction site.

All Kaiser's employees tend keep a tidy construction site.

Since Kaiser actively enforces its protocol to stack construction materials like tools and waste, Kaiser ensures complete and efficient site management.
Site staff must conform to stipulations below:
arrange construction materials properly, stack tools in order at designated spots, and no littering of waste material.
Through such meticulous management, site management is in good order, resulting in good practice of site safety and quality control.

Four principles of civilized construction

Waste materials and rubbish shall be stacked in designated spots.
One spot is assigned for waste collection, and all trash is placed in this location. There is no casual discarding of construction byproducts.
periodic collection of rubbish
Assign cleaning companies to clean waste materials, rubbish and rubble at regular intervals. No casual stacking of waste material nor littering of rubbish or rubble is allowed.
Materials shall be kept in order.
Materials cannot be nonchalantly strewn about and shall instead be stacked in safe locations. In the meantime, temporary storage cannot be in random orientation but must be neat and orderly.
Site management staff shall carry out examinations to ensure enforcement of all tidiness protocol.
Kaiser's top management rigorously checks over the implementation of rules and regulations at regular intervals on the work site and maintains effective communication with site managers. During inspection, Kaiser's leadership utilizes photography for inspection. If management finds any improper spots, direct guidance shall be given to construction personnel.
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